18 July 2024 | Leonardo Royal London
Best new bridge concept design
This award seeks to recognise projects anywhere in the world that are at the design stage and do not yet have to have secured funding for delivery or have a completion date.
Pramod Kumar Singh
Composite RCC Deck and Prestressed Parabolic Bottom Chord Underslung Open Web Steel Girder Bridge Superstructure
Girder depth matches BMD due to dead load and half live load as UDL, and prestressed through the bottom chord balances it. The live load is taken by the girder made composite with the deck doubling its stiffness. Cost and weight of the cables may be 1/8th of the structural steel for same strength. Thus, dead load and half live load are balanced almost free of cost. Due to lighter girder and its erection in parts, weight handled at a time reduces to 1/6th. The deck slab is on site pomped concreted in say 1/5th symmetrical spans using stage.
Network Rail
Footbridges and Subways Design Manual
The Footbridges and Subways Design Manual is a game-changer due to its comprehensive, user-friendly wizard that aims to guide technical and non-technical decision makers through the design process; the disclosure of cost and carbon data estimates for Network Rail’s standard designs which have been independently assured; and the legacy this innovation can have in the rail industry.
One world Design Architects with Expedition Engineering and Beckett Rankine
The Cremorne (Diamond Jubilee) Footbridge
A bottom up, locally led, project, the Cremorne Diamond Jubilee Bridge remains the only river crossing with a proven cost: benefit ratio, a proven transport and environmental need, planning consent and piles in the ground. It now has councils on both sides of the river in Fulham and Wandsworth that are both committed to completing it and the project continues to have large amounts of public support. One World Design Architects have renewed the granting of the design copyright to the Major, Tfl, the GLA and Wandsworth Council pro bono.